Direct Care > How to Measure Vital Signs
How to Measure Vital Signs
Vital signs, which include temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure and pain, provide valuable information about an individual's health. This program teaches the skills and techniques necessary to take and record vital signs accurately. Topics include the use of a flow sheet, methods for taking body temperature, types of thermometers, methods for taking a carotid, radial and apical pulse, use of a stethoscope, measuring respiration, how to take a blood pressure reading, pain assessment, measuring weight and more.   
Course Objective

Upon completion of this training, participants will understand:

• The definitions of temperature, pulse, respiration and blood
• How to measure vital signs correctly
• Normal adult vital sign readings
• How to record and report the findings
• Pain assessment and the use of pain scales
• The importance of measuring weight

aQuire Training Solutions aQuire Training Solutions
Medifecta Healthcare Training Medifecta Healthcare Training
$12.95 QTY