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Chenango County, NY, and Barnstable County, Mass., Adopt the Network of Care for Public Health

Jan. 31, 2014
Network of Care

Public-health leaders in Chenango County, N.Y., and Barnstable County, Mass., are the latest to deploy the award-winning Network of Care for Public Health Assessment and Wellness – a Web-based platform that converts analysis of all health data into customized community health indicators. This groundbreaking tool is especially valuable for assessment, health planning, and public-health accreditation.

“As the first Network of Care Web site in Massachusetts, Barnstable County Department of Human Services is on the forefront of advancing access to a wide variety of information about health and wellness,” said Beth Albert, Director of Health in Barnstable County, where the new site launched on Jan. 31, 2014. “The new Health and Wellness Web site is a clearinghouse of health indicators, model practices and informational tools for individuals, families, and organizations.

“The launch of the Web site comes on the heels of the recently announced Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund award to Barnstable County to build a Prevention Self-Management Network,” Albert added. “We are pleased to be able to provide these resources to our community with the goal of improving health outcomes for our residents and creating a healthy, connected Cape Cod.”

Tina Utley Edwards, executive director of the Chenango Health Network, also heralded the Dec. 2, 2013, launch of the program in her community. “Chenango Health Network and local community partners such as Chenango County Public Health Department, UHS-Chenango Memorial Hospital, Area Agency on Aging and Chenango Hospice & Palliative Care, to name a few, will be using our new Network of Care for Public Health Assessment and Wellness site as a tool for future planning and program implementation,” Edwards said. “I expect that we will be adding more information, data and resources to the site as we become familiar with all its possibilities.”

The Network of Care program was developed in partnership with the National Association of County and City Health Officials and the National Association of Counties. It can be easily replicated in any county or state in the country.

Watch this brief video to learn more about the Network of Care for Public Health Assessment and Wellness.