VeReality2 > GRI08 Grief Therapy - Families of Murder
GRI08 Grief Therapy - Families of Murder (inactive)
Families in which murder has occurred and how to treat.
Course Objective
This program provides clinicians with the opportunity to learn about:
Issues with families of murder
Dealing with trauma
Structuring the grief session
Using the word “murder”
Observing the client or patient

Intended Audience
Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Addiction Therapists 
Author Bio
IRMGARD WESSEL, MSW, BCD - Mrs. Wessell works at the Family Counseling Center of Greater New Haven, CT, where she coordinates homicide assault and robbery services.  Mrs. Wessell is very involved in community and professional activities.  She is the president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Union, in New Haven, trustee of the New Haven Central Labor Council, and vice-president of the Greater New Haven United Way.  She has also been the chair of the Education Community of the Clinical Social Work Federation for many years.  

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